A white background with a few lines on it
Two wooden chairs are sitting on a porch overlooking a lake.

Vacation Like It's 1999: Disconnect From the World and Reconnect with Nature


The whole point of a vacation is to get away from your day-to-day. The stress of work and school, the traffic and pollution of the city, and the increasing sense of alienation the modern world brings are enough to drive anyone crazy. Taking a break from it all is important to your physical and mental health, but it's becoming more and more common to take your stress with you when you go. 

Thanks to cell phones and the internet, it’s harder than ever to have a true “getaway” experience. Now, anywhere you have cell reception you can access work and all the stressors of your daily life. But, it wasn’t always like that. There was a time when children could go days without touching a screen, families spent hours together, and couples could spend quality time together without interruption. There was a time when “out of office” meant “out of contact”, and a vacation was a real getaway.

If you are ready to disconnect from the chaos of the modern world, you can still make it happen. Learn how you can truly unplug and unwind. Enjoy a week of splendid isolation where you can reconnect with nature, and vacation like it’s 1999.

Planning Your Trip:

The first step in planning a getaway is finding the time to do so. In our current work culture, it can be hard to get time off work, but it is more important than ever. Taking time away from the office is important to creating a healthy work/life balance that expands your mental fortitude and prevents burnout. The key to getting the most benefit out of your time away is to actually get away. This means no taking calls, answering emails, or doing any work on your trip. Pretend it’s the analog era, and leave the company phone at home!

Here are some steps you can take to plan your analog-era trip.

Check your calendar:

Most industries and workplaces have seasonal cycles that offer ideal times to leave the office. During slower periods, you may find it easier to take some time for yourself without worrying about coming back to a chaotic work environment. That being said, your co-workers may have the same idea, so make sure you secure your PTO in advance so you can book your vacation without any complications.

Choose your location:

You may want to swap this step with step 1, depending on several factors such as PTO availability, holidays, and personal preferences. However, at some point, you will have to decide where you want to go. Some things you want to consider when selecting your vacation location are:

  • The time of year
  • Travel methods and expenses
  • Length of your stay
  • Environment and climate of choice

If you don’t like hot weather or sand, you probably don’t want to go to a beach in summer. If you don’t like the cold and snow, you probably won’t enjoy a mountain in winter. It’s important to consider what kind of vacation you want to have when choosing your destination. Climate, accessibility, travel expenses, availability, and other factors may impact your choice.

Book your trip: 

Once you’ve decided when and where you want to go, it’s time to make it official and book your trip. Remember to plan ahead! Some locations are only open at certain times of the year, and some lodgings require you to reserve your accommodations months in advance. You may also need to book a flight or rent a car as part of your trip. 

Making sure that everything is arranged weeks before you leave will take a load off your mind. This will enable you to commit to the whole purpose of your trip, which is to relax.

What to do on vacation:

Once you are on vacation you may run into this common problem, filling your time. Suddenly dropping your hectic schedule for unstructured time away can leave you feeling lost. 

Soak in the Landscape: 

You choose your vacation destination for a reason, so go out and enjoy it! Take 1000 photos, paint a picture, or just stare at the view and be in the moment. Don’t think about what other people will think about it, but enjoy it for yourself. Far too often we choose a location so we can show it off on social media, instead of enjoying it for ourselves. 

Get some exercise:

One of the best ways to disconnect from the digital world is to move your body. Whether you are swimming, hiking, biking, skiing, or boating- enjoying the freedom of movement will help revitalize your energy and improve your mood. It’s hard to be on your computer or phone when you are rafting down a river, or hiking in the woods with no reception. This means you can focus your time and energy on your body, your surroundings, and the fun you are having in the real world.

Reconnect with your loved ones:

It can be hard to feel connected when everyone is always so busy. That’s why spending quality time with your loved ones is a crucial part of a restorative vacation. While outdoor activities like hiking and boating are popular ways to bond, you can still have a wonderful low-tech weekend without being sporty. Playing a board game on the floor, chatting around a dinner table, or enjoying a tasty treat in town (without your phone) are all great ways to reconnect with the most important people in your life. 

Visit the Cascades: 

The Cascade Mountains are the perfect place to plan your next family vacation. The stunning landscape is ideal for a mountain getaway. The Freestone Inn in Mazama Washington is our paradise of splendid isolation. Located in the heat of the Cascade Mountains, our inn is far away from the chaotic buzz of daily life. 

With a variety of accommodations to choose from, ranging from semi-rustic cabins to luxurious lodge suites, we have something to suit everyone’s tastes. Our premises provide stunning views, plenty of breathing room, and easy access to the best parts of the Washington landscape. The isolated location also ensures a quiet vacation away from the constant city crowds and ringing phones. 

Come and book your stay at the Freestone Inn, and vacation like it’s 1999.

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